End Inequality to End GBV

November 25, 2021

End Inequality to End GBV: A Call to Action in line with the International Day of Action for Elimination of Violence Against Women and the 16 Day-campaign to end Gender-Based Violence

Amid the COVID-19 health crisis, gender-based violence (GBV) has been dubbed a ‘shadow pandemic’ as key GBV risk factors  – food shortages, unemployment, economic insecurity, school closures, public transport shutdowns, massive migration flows, and the threat of civil unrest – are exacerbated by COVID-19.

Even before COVID-19, one in three women globally is said to have experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner. Lockdowns and mobility restrictions only intensify conditions that cause GBV cases to rise. Tensions in the household related to isolation, closures of businesses and schools, and food and financial insecurity increase levels of GBV, particularly in already resource-poor communities, such as rural and urban poor communities.

Food scarcity and restricted movement may also force women and girls into situations characterized by sexual exploitation and abuse. Cases of police personnel harassing women and LGBTQIA, including sex workers, have been documented in many countries.

Past experiences of crises show that gender-based violence often goes substantially underreported and inadequately addressed. In many countries, however, emerging data shows an increase in calls to domestic violence helplines and shelters following the outbreak of COVID-19. Despite this alarming situation, some governments chose to divert resources and efforts from GBV response to immediate COVID-related relief.

Last International Day of Action for Women’s Health, WGNRR called on to End the Inequality Pandemic, highlighting how Northern countries looked forward to recovery from COVID-19 while the global south continued to struggle as a result of vaccine inequality and of long-standing social and economic inequalities that have left us vulnerable to the crisis in the first place.

This International Day of Action for Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW) and 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we continue our call to End Inequality, the real pandemic behind any crises of women’s health, including that of gender-based violence.

We draw on the sense of urgency from the global theme of this year’s 16 Days of Activism against GBV, “Orange the world: End violence against women now!”, and respond to the call of Generation Equality to “Act for Equal” by realizing the need to highlight inequality and address the root causes of GBV. 

#EndInequalityEndGBV – all campaigns to end GBV must pay attention to the social and economic inequalities that make particular women and communities more vulnerable than others. Too often power differentials that work against women and marginalized genders in the global south and expose them to GBV are a result of the social and economic arrangements that govern our lives.

In line with the call to #EndInequalityEndGBV, we call on our partners and allies to:

  1. raise awareness on the intersecting vulnerabilities of women, girls, and other marginalized genders in the global south that make them vulnerable to gender-based violence;
  2. bring information on protection and response mechanisms to grassroots communities and organizations; and
  3. strengthen community-building and feminist solidarity towards demanding accountability from institutions and governments to address root causes of GBV.

Below is a list of suggested actions that you can do:

  • Solidarity teach-ins. Online and offline events – such as workshops, fora, webinars, etc. – to examine the GBV situation of women, girls and marginalized genders.
  • Gather stories to document cases of GBV. Share your stories as case studies and use as evidence for advocacy.
  • Disseminate information and communication materials online and offline. You may also translate existing materials into your local languages for dissemination to communities!
  • Host community radio shows and talks to reach those who have no access to mobile and internet technology
  • Organize Twitter rallies, be visible on Facebook and other social media platforms. Use the hashtags #EndInequalityPandemic #EndInequalityEndGBV #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
  • Organize art contests, virtual galleries, and online concerts
  • Where possible, organize community sharing and discussions, art and cultural events, marches and protest actions. Just make sure to stay safe and sanitize! Share your photos and insights with us!

Partner with us! Email us at office@wgnrr.org.