WGNRR Welcomes New Board Member: Yvette Kathurima
The Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) is excited to announce the addition of Yvette Kathurima to the WGNRR Board, who brings with her many years of SRHR expertise and feminist activism. The WGNRR Board provides leadership and financial oversight of WGNRR’s vision and mission towards the full realisation of the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people.
We are in the process of finalising additional board members, and will be announcing this shortly. Yvette Kathurima (Kenya)
Yvette Kathurima Muhia is a dynamic social justice and development professional with over 9 years of experience in programming on women’s rights, advocacy, resource mobilization, grant management, coordination of regional networks and meeting facilitation. Yvette seeks to improve the lives of the poor and marginalized therefore contributing towards equality for all.
At the global level, Yvette has worked to amplify the voices of African women at the United Nations through the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and the Commission on Population and Development (CPD). She was also instrumental in ensuring the voices of African women were included in what we now know as 2030 Agenda through the intergovernmental processes of the Open Working Group. At the African regional level, Yvette has engaged with norm setting bodies such as the African Union Commission and the Pan African Parliament to advocate for gender equality and women’s rights and particularly, the rights of African women to access sexual and reproductive health including protection of their rights to bodily integrity and autonomy. Nationally, Yvette has been engaged in advocacy initiatives to eradicate gender based violence. In Kenya, this work centered on engaging cultural and religious leaders to eradicate harmful practices such as FGM and child, early and forced marriage. Currently, Yvette is working as an independent consultant based in Nairobi, Kenya. Her recent projects center on knowledge management around FP advocacy as a Master Facilitator of the AFP SMART approach, building capacity of young African women to engage in advocacy at the regional level, and providing technical expertise in resource mobilization for women’s rights organizations and advocates. |