Webinar: Why Youth-Friendly Post-Abortion Care? Reasons, Resources, & Realities
Please join the Postabortion Care (PAC) Consortium’s Youth-Friendly PAC Task Force on Thursday, September 4th at 9:00 (EST): Why Youth-Friendly PAC? Reasons, Resources, & Realities. The webinar will provide the rationale for focusing on youth as a key population for PAC services; situate youth-friendly PAC within the context of the human rights framework and government commitments; describe programmatic interventions to improve youth access to quality PAC; and provide an overview of existing PAC Consortium resources related to youth-friendly PAC.
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Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5994079258677659905
Date and Time
Thursday, September 4, 9:00AM-10:00AM (EST)
Confirmed Speakers
- Catherine Packer, FHI360
- Lara Cousins, Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR)
- Callie Simon, Pathfinder International
- James Fofanah, Ipas
- Aslam Panhwar, Peace Foundation
- Welcome and Introduction to the Youth-Friendly PAC Task Force
- Human Rights Framework and Government Committments
- Discussion of Field Experience in Youth-Friendly PAC
- Moving Forward: YFPAC Resources and Tools
- Q&A
Web site: www.pac-consortium.org E-mail: info@pac-consortium.org