Asia Pacific Beijing+20 Civil Society Forum Statement
The CSO statement is an outcome document of the Civil Society Forum that gathered more than 400 CSOs from across Asia-Pacific to call on the governments for accountability for the commitments made almost twenty years ago in the Beijing to advance gender equality and the rights of women and girls.
In the statement CSOs called on the governments to commit to development justice and listed concerns and priorities for women in the region regarding the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Post-2015 Development Agenda and beyond. In the area of SRHR CSOs demanded to ensure that all women and girls can exercise their right to a full range of quality, free, and comprehensive sexuality education and reproductive health information and services, including safe and legal abortion, to revoke discriminatory and punitive laws and policies that undermine the sexual and reproductive health and rights of marginalized women and girls, and to guarantee sufficient financing for sexual and reproductive health services among others.