
WGNRR and ICW joint statement on CSW59

March 29, 2015

ICW and WGNRR JOINT STATEMENT Submitted at the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (March 9-20, 2015) We the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights and the International Community of Women Living with HIV, welcome the opportunity to represent at the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women […]

WGNRR Celebra la liberación de Guadalupe y hace un llamado para la continuación de esfuerzos por la liberación del resto de “Las 17”

February 20, 2015

La Red Mundial de Mujeres por los Derechos Reproductivos (WGNRR por sus siglas en inglés), celebra la liberación de Guadalupe, una de las 17 mujeres injustamente encarceladas en El Salvador por cargos de homicidio, quien llevaba 7 años en prisión. Guadalupe, víctima de violencia sexual, fue denunciada por aborto e injustamente encarcelada por homicidio después […]

WGNRR celebrates the pardon approval for Guadalupe!

January 23, 2015

WGNRR welcomes with great joy the pardon issued by the Salvadoran Congress for “Guadalupe,” one of the 17 women wrongfully imprisoned for homicide after suffering pregnancy-related complications. The pardon was approved by Congress with 43 votes in favour after both the Human Rights Congressional Committee and Supreme Court Committee resubmitted their recommendation for her release.

¡El Congreso de El Salvador concede el indulto a Guadalupe!

January 22, 2015

La Red Mundial de Mujeres por los Derechos Reproductivos celebra con júbilo la decisión del Congreso de El Salvador de aprobar el indulto a Guadalupe, una de las 17 mujeres encarceladas injustamente por homicidio después de haber sufrido complicaciones durante su embarazo. El Congreso aprobó el indulto con un total de 43 votos a favor después de que el Comité de Derechos Humanos del Congreso y la Corte Suprema de Justicia volvieran a presentar sus recomendaciones para que se diera su liberación.

WGNRR commends the new law in Mozambique expanding access to safe and legal abortion! 

January 16, 2015

We congratulate the Mozambican SRHR movement for its advocacy, networking, and mobilization efforts related to the new legislation, the National Assembly for approving the bill, and the President for signing it into law. This victory is huge step forward for women not only in Mozambique, but in Africa as a whole, as it embodies a strong commitment to respect, protect, and fulfill women and girls’ sexual and reproductive rights, including their right to health, physical and psychological integrity, and bodily autonomy.

WGNRR’s Written Statement for CSW59

October 28, 2014

The Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, representing over a thousand organizations and individuals worldwide working to realize the full sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people, welcomes the focus of the Commission of the Status of Women on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.

WGNRR’s Statement on the Proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Kenya

September 11, 2014

As a network of more than 1,000 members advocating, promoting and defending sexual and reproductive rights worldwide, especially of those who are most marginalized, the Women’s Global Network of Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) calls on the Kenyan National Assembly to reject the highly worrisome draft bill relating to foreign and national LGBTQI[1] individuals. WGNRR urges the […]