
Assurer les DSSR dans une approche durable basée sur les droits et la justice reproductive a la pandémie du Covid-19

April 16, 2020

La pandémie de coronavirus nous montre une fois de plus que la préparation, l’atténuation et la réponse aux crises sanitaires consistent inévitablement à examiner et à supprimer les inégalités dans notre société. Combien flagrant est le fait que, même si c’est aussi simple que le lavage des mains, cela peut aider à arrêter la propagation des infections, 40% de la population mondiale ne dispose toujours pas d’installations adéquates pour se laver les mains avec de l’eau et du savon à la maison.

Ensuring SRHR in a rights-based, justice, sustainable approach to Covid-19 Pandemic

March 27, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is only showing us once again that preparing, mitigating, and responding to health crises is inevitably about examining and abolishing the inequalities in our society. How glaring is the fact that while it is as simple as handwashing that can help stop the spread of the infections, 40% of the world’s population still do not have adequate handwashing facilities with water and soap at home? As we tightly hold on to our hopes for the end of this crisis, we remain steadfast in our solidarity so that we don’t go back to ‘normal,’ but rather come out of this with a better and just world.

Independent submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in the Philippines

February 10, 2020

This submission was prepared by a coalition of civil society groups working in the Philippines to contribute to the upcoming report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the situation of human rights in the Philippines as requested by the Human Rights Council (the Council) in its Resolution 41/2 adopted on 11 July 2019 on the promotion and protection of human rights in the country. We would like to direct the attention of the OHCHR to grave violations of fundamental human rights resulting from one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world which causes preventable deaths and injuries among women and girls who are unable to access safe and legal abortion services.


November 14, 2019

Grassroots sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and abortion rights organisations from five countries in Africa, gathered in Nairobi, Kenya to reaffirm commitments to promote and advance SRHR, including the right to access safe abortion information and services.

Call to Action Youth Regional Consultations on Beijing+25: 12-14 August 2019, Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire and 27th October 2019, Addis Ababa Ethiopia

October 30, 2019

We, the 250 African young people, mostly adolescent girls and young women, in all our diversity, from across African countries representing all regions gathered on 12-14 August, 2019 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire and on 27October, 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the youth regional consultation on Beijing+25 on the theme “Generation Equality Africa”. We recognize, […]

September 28 – International Safe Abortion Day: Global Day of Action

September 28, 2018

On the occasion of September 28 International Safe Abortion Day – Global Day of Action, WGNRR together with partner organisations and networks demand the normalisation of abortion. Although the legal status of abortion varies across regions, abortion is usually stigmatised and commonly thought of as  a “rare” and “uncommon” procedure. We know the reality is much […]

WGNRR Condemns the recent stabbing of 3 SRHR defenders in Chile

August 2, 2018

When political leaders and government officials permit attacks on WHRDs and/or are unresponsive when cases of harassment and violence are brought to light, they impede human rights and are complicit in the perpetuation or even legitimization of the harassment experienced by WHRDs.


March 29, 2018

Women’s human rights are crucial to achieving Agenda 2030 and sustainable development. The very principles that human rights are indivisible and interconnected must be the foundational guidelines for SDG monitoring and implementation. Asia Pacific women, in all their diversity, understand that the patriarchy manifested in fundamentalisms, neoliberal globalisation, conflicts and militarism is the structural driver of deepening inequalities, and undermines women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.