Power Up! Strengthening Advocacy Capacities to promote and advance Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

August 13, 2021

This program is open for all women’s rights, youth-led and youth-focused, and other sectoral and community-based organizations. We will support organizations to enhance their advocacy capacities, access platforms for linking and learning and co-create advocacy and campaigns with other organizations. Together, through the program, we deepen our knowledge of SRHR and intersecting issues, improve our advocacy and influencing skills, and create a bigger impact for women and girls’ rights!

There is a broad range of rights and services that encompasses SRHR and strategies to address them. The project will focus on deepening understanding of SRHR from a rights-based and feminist perspective, and on improving advocacy and influencing skills, particularly on the following capacity areas:

– Formulating and implementing advocacy strategies for SRHR
– Monitoring implementation of national, regional, and international human rights commitments
– Advocating for sensitive/taboo/contested issues
– Media Advocacy and Communications

Deadline to Apply: August 5, 2021