The first issue of Pasya Advocazine is here!

This first issue of Pasya advocazine focuses on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the time of COVID-19.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations and groups working in SRHR in the Philippines have sounded the alarm on the possible negative effects the pandemic will have on people’s SRHR. Nevertheless, organizations and advocates have worked to prevent and mitigate these effects with their work tirelessly, even as the landscape has made such work more difficult and complicated.
This first ever issue of Pasya discusses critical SRHR issues and challenges that have surfaced as a result of COVID-19 and highlights the responses of SRHR activists, women’s rights organizations, and grassroots communities to the issues and challenges they have faced.
As we near the one-year mark since lockdown measures were implemented in the country, we offer this first issue as both a tribute to the work advocates have done amid the pandemic and as a learning material as we know that the work is never really done.
Let’s learn from each other’s stories, practices and perspectives.