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¡El Congreso de El Salvador concede el indulto a Guadalupe!

January 22, 2015

La Red Mundial de Mujeres por los Derechos Reproductivos celebra con júbilo la decisión del Congreso de El Salvador de aprobar el indulto a Guadalupe, una de las 17 mujeres encarceladas injustamente por homicidio después de haber sufrido complicaciones durante su embarazo. El Congreso aprobó el indulto con un total de 43 votos a favor después de que el Comité de Derechos Humanos del Congreso y la Corte Suprema de Justicia volvieran a presentar sus recomendaciones para que se diera su liberación.

WGNRR commends the new law in Mozambique expanding access to safe and legal abortion! 

January 16, 2015

We congratulate the Mozambican SRHR movement for its advocacy, networking, and mobilization efforts related to the new legislation, the National Assembly for approving the bill, and the President for signing it into law. This victory is huge step forward for women not only in Mozambique, but in Africa as a whole, as it embodies a strong commitment to respect, protect, and fulfill women and girls’ sexual and reproductive rights, including their right to health, physical and psychological integrity, and bodily autonomy.

The Asia Pacific CSO Forum on Beijing +20 (CSO Forum) – Conference Report is now available.

January 15, 2015

The CSO Forum provided an opportunity for CSOs from the Asia and the Pacific region to consolidate their key demands and to strategize on how to best make the governments accountable for the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action as well as putting forward new commitments on gender equality and women’s rights. More than 450 women activists, feminists, and other CSO representatives from the region came together to call for accountability of governments and to influence the Beijing +20 review processes.

Wendy Jacoby

January 13, 2015

Wendy is a Doctor in Political Sciences, graduated at the University of Berlin, Germany. She has worked during 13 years as project coordinator in the field of Media and Communication for organiztions like Mercedes-Benz, the European Union and the Konrad Adenaer Foundation. She was also an external consultant for Transparency International and the World Bank. […]

Marisol Ruiz

January 13, 2015

Marisol has extensive experience working on human rights issues from an intersectional feminist perspective.  She is the Campaigns and Communications Coordinator at WGNRR, and focuses on creating campaigns that lead to behavioral change with new technologies and social media focusing on stigmatized issues. Together with a group of other young feminist activists she worked in the #YoungFeministVisions […]

Applications for the Young Leaders Program – as well as youth scholarships to attend the Women Deliver 2016 Conference – open on January 15! 

January 12, 2015

The Young Leaders Program is a three-year fellowship program for young people (under the age of 30) who are passionate about sexual and reproductive health and rights. While the total time required to fully participate in the Young Leaders Program depends on the individual, Young Leaders should expect to commit an average of up to 10 hours a week.