Previous updates

Experts of Latin America and the Caribbean issued a declaration on sexual and reproductive rights

October 1, 2014

The Committee of Experts (CEVI) of the Follow-up Mechanism to the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, “Convention of Belém do Pará” (MESECVI) issued a Declaration on Violence against Women, Girls and Adolescents and their Sexual and Reproductive Rights (English, Spanish). In the declaration CEVI reaffirmed sexual and reproductive […]

#Sept28 Success!

October 1, 2014

Few highlights of the many, many ways in which activists mobilized worldwide, speaking out against #abortionstigma and demanding access to safe and legal abortion!

Call for Application to the Asia Pacific Beijing +20 Civil Society Forum

September 17, 2014

On 14-16 November, 2014, Asia Pacific civil society organisations (CSOs) will gather in Bangkok, Thailand to develop a collective strategy on the priority issues for the Asia Pacific region on the Beijing +20 review processes. You can apply to attend and to have a workshop at the forum via the online application form or download the form […]

WGNRR’s Statement on the Proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Kenya

September 11, 2014

As a network of more than 1,000 members advocating, promoting and defending sexual and reproductive rights worldwide, especially of those who are most marginalized, the Women’s Global Network of Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) calls on the Kenyan National Assembly to reject the highly worrisome draft bill relating to foreign and national LGBTQI[1] individuals. WGNRR urges the […]

Let’s dance! Celebrating Global Female Condom Day (Sep 16)

September 10, 2014

This year on September 16th, the Global Female Condom Day, let’s Dance4Demand! Download “Rise”, a song created by Shaprece exclusively for the Dance4Demand campaign, and start creating your dance moves for a greater access to women female condoms.

Development of Peoples Foundation

September 2, 2014

The Development of Peoples Foundation, Inc. (DPF) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation based in the Davao City in the Philippines and established in 1969 by a group of Catholic activists. Guided by Paulo Freire’s principle of liberating the oppressed, DFP aims to improve the health and socioeconomic conditions of the urban slum dwellers. DPF’s mission […]

Join the September 28 Thunderclap!

September 1, 2014

Join and invite your friends to support the September 28 Thunderclap – let’s land #Sept28 in the top trending topics in social media!