WGNRR launches fundraising campaign for future global initiatives, and to sustain our work!
Dear WGNRR members, friends, allies and partners,
As you know the SRHR community has been witnessing a number of alarming rollbacks regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Nevertheless, WGNRR is committed to standing up for the rights of women and marginalised communities. We are reaching out to you because we need your support.
Over many years, WGNRR has spearheaded global campaigns against abortion stigma, discrimination, abortion myths, institutional violence and the rollbacks affecting the SRHR movement, to name but a few. These campaigns play a crucial role in mobilizing individuals and organisations through collective action to demand policy and behaviour change on stigmatized topics.
As you know, as part of our campaigning work we support and mobilize our members for two global days of action, May 28 International Day of Action for Women’s Health and September 28, International Safe Abortion Day. From these two campaigns throughout the years, we have reached a total of 15 million users online and mobilized over 800 organizations in more than 85 different countries. Over the years, together with partners such as RNW and IPAS we have created materials in three different languages (English, French and Spanish) that range from infographics, videos, colouring books, graphic visuals, posters and banners, and that have helped partners and members on the ground to mobilize and advocate in their local contexts.
With stringent and devastating rollbacks affecting the SRHR movement globally, the need for collective action and resistance is at an all time high. At present, WGNRR does not receive financial support or funding for our global reproductive justice campaigning. In order to continue our global campaigning, we need your support! Please donate, and support us in reaching our fundraising goal of 50k euros!
We are counting on you!
In solidarity,
The WGNRR team