WGNRR welcomes the Philippine Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Reproductive Health Law

April 12, 2014

RHBThe Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) joins the Philippine Reproductive Health movement in welcoming the Supreme Court of the Philippines decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, commonly known as the RH Law.

For the past 14 years the Philippine reproductive health movement has been fighting for the adoption of the law finally passed in Congress in December 2012. When the law was finally passed, the Pro-Life Philippines Foundation Inc. and Catholic Church groups filed a petition to the Supreme Court citing violation of constitutional provisions guaranteeing the right to life from conception. The higher court then ordered 3-month delay in the implementation which was followed by a status quo ante order in July 2013.

The long overdue decision on the Law was given on the 9th April with a historic vote declaring RH Law was not unconstitutional.

WGNRR Executive Director, Kathy Mulville said “across the Philippines reproductive rights advocates have been advocating for years to assert the legal right to quality and accessible reproductive health services and programs for all women and young people. We celebrate with and congratulate the Filipino people for their relentless efforts towards having universal access to contraception, sexual education and maternal care, including post-abortion care at public health hospitals and clinics.”

Eight provisions were struck down by the Supreme Court including those providing minors access to contraceptives without parental consent; penalizing healthcare providers for refusing or failing to disseminate information about RH programs; and penalizing public officers who refuse to support RH programs, Mulville said “Despite the removal of these provisions, the opposition have failed to block the right of women and young people to access reproductive health services. With polls showing over 70% of people in favour of the RH bill the will of the people has been achieved”.

As a Manila-based global network of SRHR advocates WGNRR, reiterate that any government who fail to address sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and young people by denying access to their right to health, bodily integrity and body autonomy is committing institutional violence. WGNRR lauds the Philippine Government for not giving in to the strong opposition against the legal rights of the Filipino people.