Our Locations

WGNRR’s Coordination Office, through which our global operations are managed, is located in Manila, Philippines. In 2015, WGNRR Africa has been established, as a response to the expressed need of our members and partners in Africa. In 2016, WGNRR Africa was formally registered as a separate entity with its own NGO registration in Tanzania. WGNRR Africa is committed to the same vision and principles as WGNRR.
Coordination Office
3 Marunong Street, Barangay Central, Diliman, Quezon City, 1100 Philippines T: + 63 (2) 9287785 ext/loc 105; F: + 63 (2) 9287992 ext/loc 108
WGNRR Africa
5th Floor, Ngome Holding House TRA Road Plot # 416, Block ‘43’, Kijitonyama P.O. Box 75501 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Contact: Nondo Ejano (nondo@wgnrrafrica.org)